Saturday, July 14, 2012

Outgoing Grace.....

Yup, this post is also about Grace. Grace is (how do I put this in a couple words) totally outgoing to complete strangers. So me, and my Mom were going to run some errands the other day, and Grace was out on the porch waiting for us. Before we go any further, Grace is totally addicted to this spray water bottle. She will spray anyone, anything, anywhere. Whether its us walking around the house, or little cracks in the sidewalk. It has to be sprayed. So Grace was out on the porch waiting for us, and I walk out the door and hear this lady, walking by say "No, I don't want sprayed." And then walked off. Ummm Ok?

We found out later, that Grace had a conversation with the lady somwhat like this.

(Lady that we don't even know walking down the sidewalk passing by our house.)

Grace: Do you want me to spray you?
Lady: Excuse Me?
Grace: Do you want me to spray you?
Lady: I'm sorry, what?
Grace: Do you want sprayed?
Lady: No, I don't want sprayed.

Oh Grace, you are funny....

Well, anyway that was a little embarrasing, but funny.

That's all for now,


1 comment:

  1. Wow that's just liker her isn't it?
    I was laughing inside when I read that
    she's the most adorable little girl tell her Sarah
    say's hi.
    ~Sarah. A
